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Poor indoor air quality can significantly influence health. Stale air can cause various symptoms, including nasal congestion and exhaustion. Numerous factors could affect the indoor air quality in your Vernon Hills, IL home; here are surprising ones you probably didn’t know.

1. Candles

Candles add a calm ambiance and provide a fragrant aroma. However, burning candles inside your home emits soot particles into the air. Soot consists of small carbon particles that can aggravate respiratory problems when inhaled.

Additionally, candles often contain paraffin wax, a petroleum-derived product that could release hazardous chemicals into the air.

Also, avoid heavily scented candles. Fragrances can irritate the nose, throat and eyes and cause sinus headaches. If you appreciate the tranquility of candles, get ones made from all-natural materials.

2. Dust and Other Airborne Particulates

Indoor and outdoor particles, including dirt, animal dander and dead skin, can drastically affect your air quality. Sneezing, nasal congestion and itching eyes, ears and throat are possible side effects of breathing in small amounts of dust.

However, those with high sensitivity to dust may experience respiratory problems in high quantities, which may result in difficulty breathing, chest tightness or even lack of sleep.

3. Carpets

When the carpeting is unrolled, some people experience eye and throat irritation, rashes and headaches. New padding, carpet and glue can release toxic fumes such as toluene and formaldehyde into the air for months.

If you must install carpets, ensure that it’s made from low-emitting materials with no embalming agents or if possible, unroll them to air out several days in advance.

However, consider different flooring solutions if your family suffers from allergies and asthma.

4. Cleaning Supplies

Always take the time to study the list of ingredients on a cleaning product before purchasing it. Ammonia, sodium hydroxide and chlorine are some red flags. Furthermore, avoid being duped by items labeled as “organic.”

Several of these formulations could also increase indoor pollution. You can make your non-toxic cleaning solutions at home if you want to be extra careful. Baking soda, white vinegar and tea tree oil are all efficient cleaners.

5. Exposure to Radon

Radon is one of the most harmful gases that might be present in your house; it’s known as a silent killer. This radioactive gas lacks both color and smell, just like carbon monoxide. Radon usually originates from the ground and can enter a house through foundational cracks and openings or well water.

6. Air Fresheners

Air fresheners are beneficial and efficient but have been tied to poor indoor air quality. This is especially true for phthalate-containing products. The easiest way to keep your home smelling fresh is to utilize botanicals; some of the greatest alternatives are rosemary, basil and mint.

7. Paint and Indoor Air Pollution

Paints and paint strippers can emit harmful gases. Use low-VOC paint and leave the windows open when painting and for a few days while the paint cures to reduce health concerns. If you need to store paint, keep it away from your home’s main living spaces in an area with good ventilation.

8. Teflon Fumes From Cookware

At extremely high temperatures, nonstick cookware can release harmful gases. When heated above 500 degrees Fahrenheit, nonstick coatings such as Teflon emit chemicals. Use cast iron or stainless steel pots and pans instead.

9. Low or Excessive Humidity

Mold spores, bacteria and dust mites thrive in warm, moist environments where they can spread through the air and cause allergies, infections and itching. On the other hand, excessively dry air can exacerbate allergies and make the throat itchy.

If you intend to upgrade your HVAC system with whole-house air purifiers, contact us at Ireland Heating and Air today for a full range of residential and commercial HVAC services, including air duct cleaning and filtration services. Our professionals design, install and manage systems that significantly raise the air quality within your home.

Image provided by iStock

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